I had another fabulous week continuing my Advanced Diploma of Equine acupuncture.  I love learning more and more about traditional chinese medicine.  It is certainly a privilege working with these large beasts and such a great way to spend the week.  We start the day with Tom leading some Tai Chi and Qi Gong.  It is amazing how any animal picks up the energy of who is treating them so this is very important to incorporate into our training.  This lovely old horse was a rescue animal who had been ridden for years barrel racing.  Probably the worst neck I have felt in a horse.  She certainly relaxed nicely with treatment and lapped up all the treatment from us all.
nThanks to Tom for another great week of jam packed learning.  I look forward to the next instalment of brain food.  
nThe more you know the more you know you don’t know….. you know!!