
I have had the pleasure of working with a beautiful guide dog over the last month or so.  He is recovering from a shoulder injury. What has been so wonderful is to see the bond that develops between the working dog and his owner. Nev’s owner has been working so incredibly hard and enjoying massaging him every day.  He has been slowly improving after a chronic injury.  


It was most beneficial the other day to do a home visit with the guide dog trainer  and work as a team to see Nev in action.  I needed to look at the difference of Nev’s gait in the harness and on lead and see if we could adjust his gait to improve his success in rehabilitation. It is kind of like looking at a horse and rider as a unit in order to successfully treat.


I was very happy to see him moving so well and gradually building up to his full capacity again to do what Nev does best.


This is certainly the true definition of Man’s best friend!


