nI am a bit partial to kelpies, having  2 Kelpie/border collies myself.  Knowing how much they love to run, spin, play and do burnouts, I met a lovely 10yo kelpie today who has done many of the above over the years.  Bella came to me today with difficulty getting up, getting in and out of cars and has been diagnosed with spondylosis (arthritis) of the low and mid/lower back.
nShe was a great patient today (managing to sneak me lots of kisses). I hope that we can improve her condition and allow her to live a long and active life (with less balls of course). She loved her acupuncture today  and Karen is very keen to start her home program to improve her strength and stabiltiy.
nI look forward to seeing her progress and helping her move more easily.  Goodluck Karen and Bella!
nBrooke nn